Love Courageously Challenge - Day 10 (Loving Courageously Through Sleep Deprivation)

Sleep deprivation is no joke. I think this has been the hardest thing for me to show up through, because when I'm sleep deprived, it seems nothing about me functions properly.

For me, it was quite a long season, but in the end, it was just a season. Eventually, my kids did start sleeping all night and not needing me to lie down and help them get to sleep. So, while it doesn't make you less tired, part of loving courageously through sleep deprivation is realizing that this is just for a season.

Here are some tips for helping you get through it:

1. Say no to added responsibility. You have quite enough on your plate, thank you.

2. Go to bed early. I know it sounds ridiculous. There is so much to do still. Leave it. Sleep when you can.

3. Eat healthy. Take a multivitamin. Drink lots of water. Nutrition is important for fighting fatigue.

4. Help your child sleep better. Check out Elizabeth Pantley for ideas on gentle sleep solutions.

5. Have a relaxing, screen-free evening. This is a good way to wind everyone down for bedtime. Turn off screens and dim the lights about an hour before the bedtime routine starts.

6. Try meditation to help you sleep better.

7. Ask for help if you need it. Let daddy take an early shift on Saturday or seek the help of a grandparent, friend, or trusted sitter.

Loving courageously when you are sleep deprived is an act of sheer willpower. It's not easy, but loving courageously isn't about doing what's easy - it's about doing what's needed.

To show courageous love when you're sleep deprived:

1. Remind yourself to choose love. Your little ones don't mean to make you tired and irritable.

2. Take it easy. It's okay to have a day of cuddling and coloring. A restful day is the next best thing if you can't get the sleep you need.

3. If you feel yourself becoming irritable with your loved ones, remember to summon patience. Take a time out and shift your mood.

Of the above-listed tips, which ones are most practical for you to implement in your life right now? Can you make a plan and commit to it? And remember, when you're groggy and awakened at 3 am again, this too shall pass.

Join me tomorrow for Courageous Love is Appreciative.


Read the post that inspired the Love Courageously challenge.

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Love Courageously Challenge - Day 10 (Loving Courageously Through Sleep Deprivation) Love Courageously Challenge - Day 10 (Loving Courageously Through Sleep Deprivation) Reviewed by Admin on February 09, 2015 Rating: 5

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